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The Feel-Good Hit Of The Summer!

The heart goes boom cover JPEG


Here at Wrecking Ball Towers, we love a bit of existential angst just as much as the next lit fiend. Indeed, our shelves are crammed full of it – worry, doubt, paranoia, nausea, complaint are all present and correct. But even the most hardened modernist needs to throw the curtains back and allow a sunbeam of hope to come dancing into their lives. Allow us to introduce Alex Green and his wonderful debut novel, The Heart Goes Boom.

   The Heart Goes Boom is essentially a quest novel – the quest for true love. Yes, that old chestnut; but hold your horses, this is not just any old bog standard Mills and Boon Moon in June guff we’re talking about here. This is the kind of true love that hits you square in the chest and sends your very essence vibrating to the rhythm of the universe. The kind of true love that makes magic happen.

   It’s the kind of true love that makes your heart leap out of your chest and take flight into eternity.

   After his girlfriend pushes him through a fortune-teller’s window, fading TV star Kieran Falcon realizes his life needs to take a decisive turn. Aided by an assorted cast of eccentrics, mavericks and outright maniacs – including a wise man writer, a silver-eyed magician and The King Of Love Himself – Kieran sets off on an epic quest for true love and immortality.

   Alex Green’s writing is smart and snappy and full of joy. If you only take one book onto the beach to read this summer, make it this one. The Heart Goes Boom will make you laugh. It will also confirm your faith in the restorative power of love.

   There. That didn’t hurt, did it?