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By Gerald Locklin

The Case Of The Missing Blue Volkswagen

Jokes fly fast as bullets in the case of the missing blue volkswagon, a hilarious spoofing of hard-boiled detective fiction which is already a small press classic.

“I like Gerald Locklin. I like his stuff. He swings from the heels, pukes from the bathroom… he’s open and he calls the shots”. – Charles Bukowski

“Locklin is the only author I know who writes about everything. He is one of my favorite writers but I’ll be damned if I know where he fits into the scheme of American literature.” – Edward Field

Gerald Locklin teaches English at California State University at Long Beach. He is the author of numerous books of poetry and fiction including The Case of the Missing Blue VolkswagenThe English Mini-TourChildren of a Lesser Demigogue, and The Death of Jean-Paul Sarte. He has published over a thousand poems, stories, reviews, and articles in The Wormwood Review, Poetry/LA, Pinchpenny, Slipstream, American Scholar, Literary Review, Ambit, Western Humanities Review, Beloit poetry Review, and elsewhere. Three volumes of his work are available in translation in West Germany. In the introduction to one of them, Charles Bukowski calls Gerald Locklin “one of the great undiscovered talents of our time.”



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Weight .250 kg

Product Detail

  • Pages : 110
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Wrecking Ball Press
  • ISBN : 1-903110-01-7
  • Dimensions : 212x148x10mm
  • Released : 1999

About The Author


Gerald Locklin has taught English since 1965 at California State University, Long Beach and is the author of over 125 books and chapbooks or poetry, fiction, and criticism, with over 3000 poems, stories, articles, reviews, and interviews published in periodicals. His full-length books from Water Row Press include Candy Bars: Selected Stories; The Life Force Poems; Go West, Young Toad: Selected Writings; The Pocket Book: A Novella and Nineteen Short Fictions; and Charles Bukowski: A Sure Bet. An Italian edition of his novel Down and Out (Event Horizon Press) has recently been published by Leconte Publishers in Rome as Piu Morto che Vivo, and other titles from EH include The Firebird Poems; Three Mid-Century Tales; Hemingway Colloquium: The Poet Goes to Cuba; and The First Time He Saw Paris (in Two Novellas, with Donna Hilbert). A series of dos-a-dos jazz chapbooks, with Mark Weber, are available from Zerx Press (Albuquerque, NM). His writings are archived and indexed by the Special Collections of the CSULB library. Many early and rare works are available from Water Row Books,, He is listed in the usual literary directories. He publishes regularly in 5 AM, Ambit (London), Tears in the Fence (Dorset), Poetry International, New York Quarterly, Nerve Cowboy, Slipstream, Freefall, Coagula Art Journal, and many other periodicals.